How To Take ScreenShot On Iphone X, 11, 12 or 13?

The screenshot is a kind of digital image feature. By which we can take a photo of the information visible on the phone or computer display. This feature is built into the operating systems. 

If you see some necessary data on the iPhone’s screen and want to take a screenshot of it. You can easily do it by pressing the power and volume up button simultaneously if you have trouble taking the screenshot on the iphone through these buttons.

There are several other methods to grab the screen, and if you don’t know about them, here is the complete tutorial for that. You can apply it on the iphone to capture the screen. 

How To Take The Screenshot On The Iphone X, 11, 12, or 13? 

take screenshot on iphone

Method 1- Capture the screen through buttons- 

When you want to take the screenshot on the iphone 11, 12, or 13 models through buttons. you need to follow the steps below. 

  1. Open the screen you want to capture; let’s say if you’re going to screenshot some messages. You need to open that message.
  2. Press and hold power and volume up simultaneously and release it immediately.

Once you release the buttons, you will hear the camera shutter sound from the iphone. That means the screenshot has been taken.

Also, you will see the snapped image on the left corner for a few seconds. If you want to open that immediately, tap on it before it disappears. 

Note- If you are using the iphone 8 or the previous version of it, you need to press the home & power button simultaneously to grab the screen. 

Method 2- Take Screenshot via Accessibility center-

If you are having difficulty taking the screenshots on the iphone through buttons. Do not worry; you can capture the screen using the assistive tool.

To do that, you need to activate the assistive tool on the iphone. Here is the process for that. 

  1.  Go to the settings on your iPhone.
  2. Tap on General.
  3. Click on Accessibility.
  4. Tap the Assistive touch.
  5. Turn it on.
  6. Now click on the single touch option.
  7. Select screenshot.

After enabling the assistive touch, you will get the ball/button on the screen whenever you need to take any screenshot. You need to open the screen( which you want to capture) and touch the screen to make the screenshots.

Faqs Related To The ScreenShot On Iphone? 

Where can I find the screenshots on the iphone? 

The screenshots are available in the screenshot folder. To access those screenshots, first of all, you need to follow the steps given below. 

  1. Open the photos
  2. Go to the Albums
  3. Tap on the screenshot folder

Here, you will see all screen captures; you can easily open or delete any of them. 

Why Can’t I Take Screenshots on the iphone? 

If you are unable to take the screenshot through buttons or assistive touch. There might be a software bug that happens rarely. So you need to reboot the phone once. If that doesn’t solve the problem. You need to factory reset the phone to make it work fine again.  

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